

My name is Bruno Andreotti a.k.a. TribalSkyGod. I am a third year Linguistics major (regretful Philosophy minor) at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. I play a lot of EVE Online, and suspect most of the posts I make here will be related to the game. My in-game main character is Keikira Borsch. I am currently just under 10 months old (in-game… I’m a bit older in rl), so I am most certainly not a veteran player at this point. That being said, I have had quite a bit of experience, and will try to share what I’ve learned and hopefully help some people out.

I also play a lot of other games, such as Minecraft and Kerbal Space Program, and I may make posts which are occasionally about those games instead. I might also make some linguistics- and/or philosophy-related posts.

I’m starting this blog mostly because it’s a good way to record and share an occasional thought. Over time I’ll also be able to see how my play style and understanding of the metagame have changed. Should be fun.